
“汇运动专业版”APP版权所属浙江兰威体育用品有限公司(www.lenwave.com,简称“本网站”或“我们”)。兰威为您提供“汇运动专业版”应用,“汇运动专业版”是一款提供运动健康及提供相关服务或产品的应用软件。 依据法律的规定,我们将在特定情形下收集、使用、保存和披露您的个人信息。以下条款描述了我们如何收集、使用、保存和披露您的个人信息。


1.1 个人信息


1.2 为实现服务目的而收集

1.2.1 为实现“汇运动专业版”的服务目的,本网站和“汇运动专业版”会通过技术手段收集您的个人信息,通过技术手段所收集的个人信息仅限于您的地理位置信息、电话号码、手机通讯录、以及社交账号等使用"汇运动专业版"App所必需的信息。

1.2.2 “汇运动专业版”App采取多平台异步开发方式,支持Android以及iOS等多类操作系统的使用。当您使用iOS以及Android系统时,您需要输入您的社交账号或手机号码进行绑定使用。在您通过各种手机操作系统使用“汇运动专业版”App的过程中,“汇运动专业版”App所收集的信息仅限于您同意使用“汇运动专业版”App基本服务所必需的信息。

1.2.3 经过您的允许,“汇运动专业版”App将分析您的手机通讯录和已绑定的社交账号,来帮助您寻找已经在使用“汇运动专业版”的朋友。“汇运动专业版”App通过高强度、不可逆的加密算法(将收集到的号码加密成为一系列不可解密的字符串)来加密您的通讯录信息,并依据该加密后的信息进行好友匹配的操作。

1.2.4 “汇运动专业版”和“汇运动专业版”App会保存您使用“汇运动专业版”App时产生的所有运动数据,其中包括您的地理位置信息、时间、轨迹、运动数据等。

1.2.5 “汇运动专业版”和“汇运动专业版”App为了提供更好的服务体验,将会收集用户的设备信息(包括但不限于IMEI、IMSI、设备MAC地址、软件列表、设备序列号、android ID)用于App优化以及BUG反馈等。

1.3 用户提供

1.3.1 如果您需要使用更多”汇运动专业版”App功能,例如将运动数据分享到微博、微信等其他网站或完善您的个人信息,以便享受更多的服务或更加便捷的联系好友,您需要完善您的个人信息,如”昵称“、”头像“或绑定您的其他社交网站账号。

1.3.2 您提供的信息,“汇运动专业版”App将最大限度尽合理之商业义务进行保密。经过您的同意,“汇运动专业版”App将会向您提供硬件商城、活动、资讯、版本升级等服务。

1.4 “汇运动专业版”App允许用户之间发送信息和其他合法内容。

1.5 您提供信息的其他方式


1.6 您的其他信息



2.1 您的个人信息将只在本隐私政策及提前通知您的更新的政策所载明的范围内使用[不会用于其它目的]。

2.2 匿名汇总统计数据不是"汇运动专业版"App所定义的个人用户信息,我们将为多种目的,包括但不限于分析和使用模式的报告等,来保存和使用此类信息。"汇运动专业版"App和兰威有权以任何目的或单方面许可第三方使用和披露匿名汇总统计数据。


3.1 除非本隐私政策载明的有限披露,我们会妥善保存您的个人信息并不会泄露客户名单。

3.2 您于此授权,以下情形下,我们将会向第三方披露您的个人信息而无需通过您的同意:

3.2.1 如果我们披露这些信息是用来识别、联系或向可能对我们的权利或财产、网站用户或者其他任何人(包括其他任何人的权利和财产)造成损害之行为提起诉讼之必要;

3.2.2 法律调查之必要;

3.2.3 此类披露是法律规定或应向我们送达的传票或其他执法部门发出的令状之必要。


4.1 对我们来说,个人信息的安全非常重要。我们将尽合理的商业努力保障您的个人信息安全,并实施合理的商业程序限制非授权访问、使用或者披露您的个人信息。尽管采取上述措施,但是您应当知晓本网站或"汇运动专业版"App不能完全避免与个人信息相关的安全危险。



6.1 当您点击本网站链接的其他网站时,您已经离开我们的网站并访问其他网站,其他网站可能会收集您的个人信息或匿名数据,因此,我们无法控制、检查或者回应此类网站和网站内容。

6.2 本隐私政策不适用于在您点击链接后的外部网站收集数据的行为。




8.1 本隐私政策容许调整,如果我们对使用您的个人信息方法做出任何实质性调整,我们将通过您提供的电子邮件地址,或通过网站的公告通知您。

8.2 我们发出的包含此类变更通知的电子邮件毫无疑问的组成上述变更通知的有效部分。如果您不希望我们改变对您个人信息的使用,您必须早于您期望停止使用我们的账户之前通知我们。您继续使用本网站和"汇运动专业版"App的行为,将被视为您知晓并同意受通知中此类变更条款的约束。





根据账户有关的权益类型不同,相应的处置方式也不同。通常情况下:在注销账户之后,我们将停止为您提供产品或服务并依据您的要求,删除或匿名化您的信息,法律法规另有规定的除外。这也将可能导致您失去对您账户中数据的访问权,请您谨慎操作。 您需要注销您在汇运动专业版上注册的账号,您可以采取以下途径: 您可以通过【登入app】-【点击我的】-【其它设置】-【点击注销账号】。或者以邮箱的形式联系lenwavesport@126.com 协助您进行注销。 在注销账号后,我们将停止为您提供产品或服务,永久删除您的账号、您的注册资料、您账号内的所有数据、以及您的使用痕迹,但根据相关法律法规规定必须留存一定期限的内容除外。


12.1 您作为本App的用户,不得在App中发布、传播或以其他方式提供任何违法、侵权、淫秽、猥亵、诽谤、恶意攻击、威胁、种族歧视、仇恨言论、色情或其他不良内容(以下统称为“不良内容”)。

12.2 您理解并同意,发布或传播不良内容可能会违反适用法律法规,并对他人造成伤害。因此,您在使用App时应遵守所有适用的法律法规,并承担由此产生的全部责任。

12.3 您同意不使用App进行任何未经授权的行为,包括但不限于侵入他人账户、获取他人个人信息、干扰App正常运行等。

12.4 如果您在使用App过程中发现其他用户发布了不良内容,您有权举报该用户。您可以通过App内指定的举报渠道进行举报,并提供相关的证据材料,以协助我们进行核实。

12.5 我们将认真对待所有举报,并在合理时间内进行核实。如果我们确认某个用户发布了不良内容,我们将采取适当的措施,包括但不限于删除相关内容、禁止该用户继续使用App等。







收集个人信息类型:收集设备信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID、设备型号、操作系统版本和语言)、网络信息(当前网络类型)







Lenwave Sports User Privacy Agreement "Lenwave Sports" APP Copyright © Zhejiang Lanwei Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. (www.lenwave.com, referred to as "this website" or "we"). LANWELL offers you the "Lenwave Sports" application, which is an application that provides sports health and related services or products. In accordance with the law, we will collect, use, save and disclose your personal information in specific circumstances. The following terms describe how we collect, use, save and disclose your personal information.

1.Collection Of Personal Information
1.1.Personal information
We use, save and disclose personal information to help you create accounts, identify users, respond to feedback and email behavior. This website and "Lenwave Sports" APP will provide you with better services on sports health services, sending events, surveys, offers and promotions, as well as other promotional materials.
1.2 To collect for the purpose of service
1.2.1 In order to achieve the purpose of "Lenwave Sports", this website and "Lenwave Sports" APP will collect your personal information through technical means. The personal information collected through technical means is limited to your geographical location information, telephone number, mobile phone address book, As well as social accounts and other use of "Lenwave Sports" App necessary information.
1.2.2 "Lenwave Sports" App to take a multi-platform asynchronous development, support for Android and iOS and other types of operating system. When you use iOS and Android, you need to enter your social account or mobile phone number to bind. The information collected by the "Lenwave Sports" App is limited to the information you need to use the Basic Service during your use of the "Lenwave Sports" App through various mobile operating systems.
1.2.3 After your permission, the "Lenwave Sports" App will analyze your mobile phone address book and the bound social account number to help you find friends who are already using the "Lenwave Sports" App. The "Lenwave Sports" App encrypts your address book information with a high-intensity, irreversible encryption algorithm (encrypts the collected number into a series of non-decryptable strings) and performs a friend-matching operation based on the encrypted information.
1.2.4 "Lenwave Sports" App will save all the movement data that you generated when you use the "Lenwave Sports" App, including your location, time, track, motion data, and so on.

1.3 User provided
1.3.1 If you need to use more "Lenwave Sports" App features, such as sharing sports data to microblogging, microphones and other sites or perfect your personal information in order to enjoy more services or more convenient contact friends, you need to improve your Personal information such as "nickname", "avatar" or bind your other social networking site account.
1.3.2 The information you provide, "Lenwave Sports" App will be the most reasonable business obligations to keep confidential. With your consent, the "Lenwave Sports" App will provide you with services such as hardware mall, event, information, version upgrade.
1.4 "Lenwave Sports" App allows users to send information and other legitimate content.
If you send a message or other content to another user, the "Lenwave Sports" server will save this information content for you and send this information content to that user.

1.5 You provide information in other ways
We will collect your personal information in other ways (eg email, information downloads, purchase products or services, user support, feedback, and questionnaires). If you fill in personal information on other open platforms, other users may be informed of your information.

1.6 Your other information
In order to facilitate your use of this website and the "Lenwave Sports" App, our servers will collect information about your mobile device, such as model, device ID, Internet protocol address, time and location of your visit, routing packets, information Senders and receive data (but not the information itself), and other similar feature records. We will use Cookies and navigation data similar to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to collect the time and date of your visit, the information you are searching for and viewing.

2.Use of personal information
2.1 Your personal information will only be used within the scope of this Privacy Policy and in advance of your updated policy and will not be used for any other purpose.
2.2 Anonymous summary statistics are not the personal user information defined by the "Lenwave Sports" App, and we will save and use such information for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to analysis and usage patterns."Lenwave Sports" App and Lanwei have the right to use and disclose anonymous summary statistics for any purpose or unilaterally licensed third party.

3.Disclosure of personal information
3.1 Except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your personal information and will not disclose the customer list.
3.2 You hereby authorize that in the following circumstances, we will disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent.
3.2.1 If we disclose that such information is necessary to identify, contact or cause action against any action which may cause damage to our rights or property, website users or any other person (including any other person's rights and property);
3.2.2 The need for legal investigation
3.2.3 Such disclosure is necessary for a subpoena or other law enforcement authority that is required by law or to be served by us.

For us, the safety of personal information is very important. We will make reasonable business efforts to protect your personal information and enforce reasonable business procedures to restrict unauthorized access, use or disclosure of your personal information. Notwithstanding the above measures, you should be aware that this website or "Lenwave Sports" App can not completely avoid the security risks associated with personal information.
5.You should assist us to protect your personal information safely. For example, do not divulge your personal password.

6.Third party website
6.1.When you click on other sites linked to this website, you have left our website and visited other sites, other sites may collect your personal information or anonymous data, so we can not control, check or respond to such sites and website content.
6.2 This Privacy Policy does not apply to the behavior of external data collection after you click the link.

7.Cookies are used
Cookies are small amounts of information that your website sends to your computer and your phone when you browse the site. We will use the session Cookies on the site (when you close the browser and then expire) and persistent cookies (unless you delete such cookies, otherwise it will always be saved on your computer) to provide you with more personalized interaction service.

8.Amendments to this Privacy Policy
8.1 This Privacy Policy allows you to make any substantial adjustments to your use of your personal information method, and we will notify you through the email address provided by you or through the announcement of the website.
8.2 The emails we have issued with such change notice are unquestionably constituting the effective part of the above notice of change. If you do not want us to change the use of your personal information, you must notify us before you expect to stop using our account. Your continued use of the Site and the "Lenwave Sports" App will be deemed to be your knowledge and consent to the terms of such change in the notice.

9.Age Limit
We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors under 18 years of age to use our services. We recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy and advise minors to seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting their personal information.

10.Continued use of GPS background sports can greatly reduce battery life